Bluets – Maggie Nelson I don’t know about you, but for me the past couple of weeks have brought plenty of reasons to feel blue. The clouds are gathering above us and the nights are drawing in. But here at Libreria we make lemonade out of lemons, and in that spirit we’ve put together a triptych that celebrates all things… blue. If you want to observe the intersection between Nelson as a poet, a memoir writer and a masterful lyricist of the human condition, you need look no further than Bluets. As she embarks on what in the beginning seems like an addictive study of the color blue, Nelson collects odds and scraps of blue things and arranges them on her windowsill. The book reads like the collection placed on paper, and present such gems as the Satin Bowerbir, which decorates its nests with blue, and a man with a front tooth of Lapis Lazuli. Amongst these blue wonders however is a more esoteric exploration of the blues: depression and loneliness. Bluets won’t leave you feeling low though- the writing is so beautiful it can’t help but uplift#Blueandtheblues
Bluets – Maggie Nelson
I don’t know about you, but for me the past couple of weeks have brought plenty of reasons to feel blue. The clouds are gathering above us and the nights are drawing in. But here at Libreria we make lemonade out of lemons, and in that spirit we’ve put together a triptych that celebrates all things… blue.
If you want to observe the intersection between Nelson as a poet, a memoir writer and a masterful lyricist of the human condition, you need look no further than Bluets. As she embarks on what in the beginning seems like an addictive study of the color blue, Nelson collects odds and scraps of blue things and arranges them on her windowsill. The book reads like the collection placed on paper, and present such gems as the Satin Bowerbir, which decorates its nests with blue, and a man with a front tooth of Lapis Lazuli. Amongst these blue wonders however is a more esoteric exploration of the blues: depression and loneliness. Bluets won’t leave you feeling low though- the writing is so beautiful it can’t help but uplift.
#libtyptich #librerialondon #maggienelson #wereallyreallyhaveathingformaggienelsonisitobvious#Blueandtheblues #allthebluecolours #libreriarecommends
Bluets – Maggie Nelson
I don’t know about you, but for me the past couple of weeks have brought plenty of reasons to feel blue. The clouds are gathering above us and the nights are drawing in. But here at Libreria we make lemonade out of lemons, and in that spirit we’ve put together a triptych that celebrates all things… blue.
If you want to observe the intersection between Nelson as a poet, a memoir writer and a masterful lyricist of the human condition, you need look no further than Bluets. As she embarks on what in the beginning seems like an addictive study of the color blue, Nelson collects odds and scraps of blue things and arranges them on her windowsill. The book reads like the collection placed on paper, and present such gems as the Satin Bowerbir, which decorates its nests with blue, and a man with a front tooth of Lapis Lazuli. Amongst these blue wonders however is a more esoteric exploration of the blues: depression and loneliness. Bluets won’t leave you feeling low though- the writing is so beautiful it can’t help but uplift.
#libtyptich #librerialondon #maggienelson #wereallyreallyhaveathingformaggienelsonisitobvious#Blueandtheblues #allthebluecolours #libreriarecommends