Commonwealth: Ann Patchett By turns funny and furious, we loved how Patchett swept us along with her deft prose and brilliant dialogue. Ron Charles, writing for the Washington Post, explains Patchett’s skill with narrative form: “In someone else’s hands, ‘Commonwealth’ would be a saga, a sprawling chronicle of events and relationships spread out over dozens of chapters. But Patchett is daringly elliptical here. Not only are decades missing, but they’re also out of order. We’re not so much told this story as allowed to listen in from another room as a door swings open and closed. When that door opens again in Chapter 2, Franny is taking her elderly father to chemo. By now, the divorces sparked by an illicit kiss at her christening are history, but the adult children of the Keating and Cousins families are still living amid the wreckage of their parents’ broken and reconstituted marriages**kyouupyourmumanddad
Commonwealth: Ann Patchett
By turns funny and furious, we loved how Patchett swept us along with her deft prose and brilliant dialogue.
Ron Charles, writing for the Washington Post, explains Patchett’s skill with narrative form: “In someone else’s hands, ‘Commonwealth’ would be a saga, a sprawling chronicle of events and relationships spread out over dozens of chapters. But Patchett is daringly elliptical here. Not only are decades missing, but they’re also out of order. We’re not so much told this story as allowed to listen in from another room as a door swings open and closed. When that door opens again in Chapter 2, Franny is taking her elderly father to chemo. By now, the divorces sparked by an illicit kiss at her christening are history, but the adult children of the Keating and Cousins families are still living amid the wreckage of their parents’ broken and reconstituted marriages.”
#libreriarecommends #libtryptich #washintonpostreviews #annpatchett #theyf**kyouupyourmumanddad
Commonwealth: Ann Patchett
By turns funny and furious, we loved how Patchett swept us along with her deft prose and brilliant dialogue.
Ron Charles, writing for the Washington Post, explains Patchett’s skill with narrative form: “In someone else’s hands, ‘Commonwealth’ would be a saga, a sprawling chronicle of events and relationships spread out over dozens of chapters. But Patchett is daringly elliptical here. Not only are decades missing, but they’re also out of order. We’re not so much told this story as allowed to listen in from another room as a door swings open and closed. When that door opens again in Chapter 2, Franny is taking her elderly father to chemo. By now, the divorces sparked by an illicit kiss at her christening are history, but the adult children of the Keating and Cousins families are still living amid the wreckage of their parents’ broken and reconstituted marriages.”
#libreriarecommends #libtryptich #washintonpostreviews #annpatchett #theyf**kyouupyourmumanddad