‘Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter’ – Peter Singer . Peter Singer, our guide to the world’s moral dilemmas. In September, The Economist reviewed Singer’s new collection of essays: “Despite their brevity, the essays do not shirk the big moral questions including perhaps the biggest of all: can there be objectively true answers to the question of how one ought to act? In a piece about ‘On What Matters’ by Derek Parfit, a philosopher, Mr Singer distils more than 1,400 pages of argument down to a scant three and concurs with him that moral judgments can, indeed, be true or false…However, agreeing with Mr Singer that objective ethical truths exist and imagining anyone, even a moral philosopher, has a monopoly on divining what these might be are not the same. Among the best essays in this collection are those that demonstrate that Mr Singer is alive to the possibility of being wrong …A welcome admission that even a much-feted moral philosopher may sometimes err.” Just what we need for 2017
‘Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter’ – Peter Singer
Peter Singer, our guide to the world’s moral dilemmas. In September, The Economist reviewed Singer’s new collection of essays: “Despite their brevity, the essays do not shirk the big moral questions including perhaps the biggest of all: can there be objectively true answers to the question of how one ought to act? In a piece about ‘On What Matters’ by Derek Parfit, a philosopher, Mr Singer distils more than 1,400 pages of argument down to a scant three and concurs with him that moral judgments can, indeed, be true or false…However, agreeing with Mr Singer that objective ethical truths exist and imagining anyone, even a moral philosopher, has a monopoly on divining what these might be are not the same. Among the best essays in this collection are those that demonstrate that Mr Singer is alive to the possibility of being wrong …A welcome admission that even a much-feted moral philosopher may sometimes err.” Just what we need for 2017… #Libreria #Libtriptych #Libreriarecommends
‘Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter’ – Peter Singer
Peter Singer, our guide to the world’s moral dilemmas. In September, The Economist reviewed Singer’s new collection of essays: “Despite their brevity, the essays do not shirk the big moral questions including perhaps the biggest of all: can there be objectively true answers to the question of how one ought to act? In a piece about ‘On What Matters’ by Derek Parfit, a philosopher, Mr Singer distils more than 1,400 pages of argument down to a scant three and concurs with him that moral judgments can, indeed, be true or false…However, agreeing with Mr Singer that objective ethical truths exist and imagining anyone, even a moral philosopher, has a monopoly on divining what these might be are not the same. Among the best essays in this collection are those that demonstrate that Mr Singer is alive to the possibility of being wrong …A welcome admission that even a much-feted moral philosopher may sometimes err.” Just what we need for 2017… #Libreria #Libtriptych #Libreriarecommends