New Tendencies – Arin Medosch New Tendencies represented a new sensibility in modern art, rejecting both abstract expressionism and socialist realism. Mendosch’s book is a lucid and compelling comparative study of the artworks that defined this movement, as well as the catalytic political and social background which informed it

Add to Calendar Europe/Paris New Tendencies – Arin Medosch New Tendencies represented a new sensibility in modern art, rejecting both abstract expressionism and socialist realism. Mendosch’s book is a lucid and compelling comparative study of the artworks that defined this movement, as well as the catalytic political and social background which informed it

New Tendencies – Arin Medosch
New Tendencies represented a new sensibility in modern art, rejecting both abstract expressionism and socialist realism. Mendosch’s book is a lucid and compelling comparative study of the artworks that defined this movement, as well as the catalytic political and social background which informed it.
#newtendencies #libreria #libtriptych #realisim #expressionism #libreriarecommends


New Tendencies – Arin Medosch
New Tendencies represented a new sensibility in modern art, rejecting both abstract expressionism and socialist realism. Mendosch’s book is a lucid and compelling comparative study of the artworks that defined this movement, as well as the catalytic political and social background which informed it.
#newtendencies #libreria #libtriptych #realisim #expressionism #libreriarecommends
