Panty by Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay (Translated by Arunava Sinha) This weird and intimate book was published by Tilted Axis press, a not-for-profit press dedicated to translating books that ‘…might not otherwise make it into English, for the very reasons that make them exciting to us – artistic originality, radical vision, the sense that here is something new.’ Panty definitely fits the bill in those respects. Opening in a darkened flat in Kolkata, our nameless and profoundly troubled protagonist finds almost nothing in her new apartment but some abandoned women’s underwear, which, when she puts them on, treat her to strange and erotic hallucinations
Panty by Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay (Translated by Arunava Sinha)
This weird and intimate book was published by Tilted Axis press, a not-for-profit press dedicated to translating books that ‘…might not otherwise make it into English, for the very reasons that make them exciting to us – artistic originality, radical vision, the sense that here is something new.’ Panty definitely fits the bill in those respects. Opening in a darkened flat in Kolkata, our nameless and profoundly troubled protagonist finds almost nothing in her new apartment but some abandoned women’s underwear, which, when she puts them on, treat her to strange and erotic hallucinations. #libreria #libtriptych #whatwomenwant #panty #Bandyopadhyay #sinha #libreriarecommends
LibreriaPanty by Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay (Translated by Arunava Sinha)
This weird and intimate book was published by Tilted Axis press, a not-for-profit press dedicated to translating books that ‘…might not otherwise make it into English, for the very reasons that make them exciting to us – artistic originality, radical vision, the sense that here is something new.’ Panty definitely fits the bill in those respects. Opening in a darkened flat in Kolkata, our nameless and profoundly troubled protagonist finds almost nothing in her new apartment but some abandoned women’s underwear, which, when she puts them on, treat her to strange and erotic hallucinations. #libreria #libtriptych #whatwomenwant #panty #Bandyopadhyay #sinha #libreriarecommends