Seeing Things, A Kid’s Guide to looking at Photographs A full page reproduction of an iconic photograph on the left hand page, a civil and thoughtfully written guide to ‘looking’ at it on the right: a simple but fantastically realized format. With its striking blue eyed cover, this book advertises itself as being for kids, but as an adult I found its no nonsense instructions, touching observations and genuine (if basic) insights about the principles of photography thoroughly engaging. Headings like ‘The In-Between Places’ and ‘Light and Happiness’ add a touch of poetry to a book that is as much about looking at the world around us as at photographs
Seeing Things, A Kid’s Guide to looking at Photographs
A full page reproduction of an iconic photograph on the left hand page, a civil and thoughtfully written guide to ‘looking’ at it on the right: a simple but fantastically realized format. With its striking blue eyed cover, this book advertises itself as being for kids, but as an adult I found its no nonsense instructions, touching observations and genuine (if basic) insights about the principles of photography thoroughly engaging. Headings like ‘The In-Between Places’ and ‘Light and Happiness’ add a touch of poetry to a book that is as much about looking at the world around us as at photographs. #seeingthings #lookingatphotographs #perception #waysofseeing #libreria #libtriptych
LibreriaSeeing Things, A Kid’s Guide to looking at Photographs
A full page reproduction of an iconic photograph on the left hand page, a civil and thoughtfully written guide to ‘looking’ at it on the right: a simple but fantastically realized format. With its striking blue eyed cover, this book advertises itself as being for kids, but as an adult I found its no nonsense instructions, touching observations and genuine (if basic) insights about the principles of photography thoroughly engaging. Headings like ‘The In-Between Places’ and ‘Light and Happiness’ add a touch of poetry to a book that is as much about looking at the world around us as at photographs. #seeingthings #lookingatphotographs #perception #waysofseeing #libreria #libtriptych