The Affluent Society – John Kenneth As well as tackling economic shibboleths, Galbraith also coined some striking and influential concepts of his own. “The conventional wisdom”, the title of his opening chapter, for instance, has now passed into the language. At first, this book was intended to be a study of poverty entitled Why the Poor Are Poor, until Galbraith’s wife suggested the more upbeat The Affluent Society. Certainly, some of its entertaining iconoclasm derives from that first draft. In the end, however, it expressed a marriage of British theory, especially Keynesianism, with American industrial experience, making a mid-Atlantic bestseller for the postwar world
The Affluent Society – John Kenneth
As well as tackling economic shibboleths, Galbraith also coined some striking and influential concepts of his own. “The conventional wisdom”, the title of his opening chapter, for instance, has now passed into the language. At first, this book was intended to be a study of poverty entitled Why the Poor Are Poor, until Galbraith’s wife suggested the more upbeat The Affluent Society. Certainly, some of its entertaining iconoclasm derives from that first draft. In the end, however, it expressed a marriage of British theory, especially Keynesianism, with American industrial experience, making a mid-Atlantic bestseller for the postwar world.
#libreria #libtriptych #robertmccrum #AffluentSociety #Galbraith #Keynes
The Affluent Society – John Kenneth
As well as tackling economic shibboleths, Galbraith also coined some striking and influential concepts of his own. “The conventional wisdom”, the title of his opening chapter, for instance, has now passed into the language. At first, this book was intended to be a study of poverty entitled Why the Poor Are Poor, until Galbraith’s wife suggested the more upbeat The Affluent Society. Certainly, some of its entertaining iconoclasm derives from that first draft. In the end, however, it expressed a marriage of British theory, especially Keynesianism, with American industrial experience, making a mid-Atlantic bestseller for the postwar world.
#libreria #libtriptych #robertmccrum #AffluentSociety #Galbraith #Keynes