This dynamically produced magazine primarily examines the relationships between women through essays, thought pieces and creative works. A big hearted and inclusive look at the world, addressed to the ‘Lovers, Sisters, Brothers, Mothers, Adopted Aunts, Long Lost Fathers, Half-Cousins, Wives, Black Sheep and Partners in Crime

Add to Calendar Europe/Paris This dynamically produced magazine primarily examines the relationships between women through essays, thought pieces and creative works. A big hearted and inclusive look at the world, addressed to the ‘Lovers, Sisters, Brothers, Mothers, Adopted Aunts, Long Lost Fathers, Half-Cousins, Wives, Black Sheep and Partners in Crime

This dynamically produced magazine primarily examines the relationships between women through essays, thought pieces and creative works. A big hearted and inclusive look at the world, addressed to the ‘Lovers, Sisters, Brothers, Mothers, Adopted Aunts, Long Lost Fathers, Half-Cousins, Wives, Black Sheep and Partners in Crime’. #girlslikeus #girlsgirlsgirls #libtryptich #libreria


This dynamically produced magazine primarily examines the relationships between women through essays, thought pieces and creative works. A big hearted and inclusive look at the world, addressed to the ‘Lovers, Sisters, Brothers, Mothers, Adopted Aunts, Long Lost Fathers, Half-Cousins, Wives, Black Sheep and Partners in Crime’. #girlslikeus #girlsgirlsgirls #libtryptich #libreria
