We are super excited to announce we will be hosting the second @prideofarabia book club on the 7th June at 19:30. We will be discussing Tayeb Salih’s post-colonial novel, Season of Migration to The North.

Add to Calendar Europe/Paris We are super excited to announce we will be hosting the second @prideofarabia book club on the 7th June at 19:30. We will be discussing Tayeb Salih’s post-colonial novel, Season of Migration to The North.

We are super excited to announce we will be hosting the second @prideofarabia book club on the 7th June at 19:30. We will be discussing Tayeb Salih’s post-colonial novel, Season of Migration to The North.


We are super excited to announce we will be hosting the second @prideofarabia book club on the 7th June at 19:30. We will be discussing Tayeb Salih’s post-colonial novel, Season of Migration to The North.
